SEFARAD (Spain). The sweet legacy of an inheritance

Sefarad is a biblical name that the Jewish tradition has identified with the Iberian Peninsula since the beginning of the common era, its use being relegated in the modern Hebrew language for present-day Spain, using Portugal itself for the neighboring country. It is believed that the identification of Sefarad with the kingdoms of Castile and

Rias Baixas in Galicia (Spain)

The Rías Baixas are a series of four estuarine inlets located on the southwestern coast of Galicia, Spain. They are the Ría de Muros e Noia, the Ría de Arousa, the Ría de Pontevedra, and the Ría de Vigo. The northernmost Rías Baixas begin below Cape Finisterre while the southernmost rias border the Portuguese coast,

Picos de Europa and Our Lady of Covadonga in Cantabria (Spain)

The Picos de Europa (“Peaks of Europe”, also the Picos) are a mountain range extending for about 20 km, forming part of the Cantabrian Mountains in northern Spain. The range is situated in the Autonomous Communities of Asturias, Cantabria and Castile and León. The highest peak is Torre de Cerredo, at an elevation of 2650

Ribeira Sacra. Winter way of the Jacobean’ route. Galicia

The Ribeira Sacra is an area that includes the banks of the Cabe, Sil and Miño rivers, in the southern part of the province of Lugo and the north of the province of Orense, in Galicia, Spain. The capital of the area is the city of Monforte de Lemos, in the province of Lugo, which

Avila. Old Castile in Spain.

Ávila is a Spanish fortified city located in the autonomous community of Castile and León. Sometimes called the Town of Stones and Saints, claims that is one of the towns with the highest number of Romanesque and Gothic churches per capita in Spain. Owns complete and prominent medieval town walls, built in the Romanesque style;

The Albufera in Valencia.

La Albufera is just 10 km from Valencia. Is a freshwater lagoon and estuary on the Gulf of Valencia. Nature in its purest form, dream sunsets, boat rides and disconnection in capital letters. As an urban oasis surrounded by rice paddies and forest: that is the Natural Park of La Albufera for everyone who knows

Madrid-Sigüenza. Cervantes and Don Quijote .. all in one

In the Madrid-Sigüenza route that Iberinbound, incoming travel agency in Castilla-La Mancha, proposes to you (see video at the end of the article), we get fully into the Castilla of the times of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, finding the characters that starred in his worldwide known book “The ingenious cavalier Don Quijote de la Mancha”

Sierra Nevada. The Ceiling of Spain

Sierra Nevada is a mountain range in the region of Andalucia, close to Granada in Spain. It contains the highest point of continental Spain and the third highest in Europe (after the Caucasus Mountains and the Alps): Mulhacén, at 3,479 meters (11,414 ft) above sea level. That is why is called “the celiling of Spain”.


Granada is a capital city of the province of the same name, located in the center of the Vega de Granada region, at an altitude of 680 m. above sea level, in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. Irrigated by the fourth longest river in Spain, Genil River, and by the foothills of the highest massif

Tapas tour in San Sebastian, Basque Country

We will not discover anything new if we tell you that San Sebastián, called Donostia in the Basque Country, in addition to its architecture, beaches, nature, cinema and culture in general, is a world-renowned capital for its exquisite cuisine. The sand of La Concha or the Comb of the Wind of Chillida may be essential