Cies Islands in Galicia. Perfect destination

You have hit the target, because nothing less than the best beach in the world according to The Guardian, that of Rhodes, crowns the visit to the Cíes Islands, in the National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia. Sand as if passed through a sieve, an almost virgin environment and crystal clear water.

If the labels mean nothing to you, Galicia is a plethora of beaches that aspire to become «the best in the world» exclusively under your personal criteria. Those of Ons, in the same National Park, have many ballots to gain a place in your ranking.

Beaches that invite long walks, sandy areas far from crowds, landscapes that evoke dreams and make you regain faith that there are still coastal places without building or destroying …

Each of the three maritime provinces of Galicia has a good collection of beaches in the middle of nature that you thought were no longer there. As Catedrais beach in the province of Lugo is perhaps the most famous today, but the landscapes of Cedeira cliffs, the beaches of Valdoviño, the route through the lighthouses of Cabo Ortegal, those of the authentic end of the world in Fisterra, the dunes Corrubedo, the surprise that is the Arousa estuary, the magical Costa da Vela … listing the places capable of surprising and falling in love with the visitor is practically impossible.

Blue flags everywhere, clear waters, history, landscape, surf and all the silence you want.


Congratulations, because today Galicia has six areas declared natural parks, suitable for any visitor.

The Corrubedo dune complex is one of the most unexpected landscapes to be found, pure habitat of sand snakes for your particular Game of Thrones.

The Baixa Limia and the Serra do Xurés is rugged, wooded, the place of the Cachena cows, an indigenous breed of Galicia whose encounter guarantees another of the unforgettable surprises for the traveler.

The Fragas do Eume are the epitome of European forest turned into a symphony of greens.

In the Natural Park of Monte Aloia lovers of exotic species will find their destination; In Ourense O O Invernadeiro the sensation of virgin landscape becomes tangibly real, in an area where there are no human settlements and everything is reserved for nature; and in the Serra da Enciña da Lastra Natural Park the Sil river forms a unique orography.


The Camino de Santiago is your answer. Whether you are experiencing it with the intensity and dedication of a pilgrim or doing some loose stage, you will understand why it engages hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world every year. A unique way to travel, an already forgotten way of getting to know a country, an experience that takes with you all your life.


Well, the Galician coast is one of the best to do it precisely because of that unrivaled geographical phenomenon that is the estuaries: hundreds of kilometers of ledges, capes, calm bays and adequate waters to anchor in a calm way. 16 estuaries await the visitor who knows that one of the best, if not the best, ways to get to know a coast is to navigate it. Multiple varieties of cruises – sailing, ferry, 1-day or 6- awaiting the traveler, especially focused on the Rías Baixas.

Iberinbound incoming travel agency in Galicia, specialized in Group tours if they are Educational, Students, Leisure , ad-hoc groups, Shorex, MICE Bleasure.

We are a leading incoming travel agency for Groups, Student and Educational Tours providing tailor-made trips at lowest rates. Thanks to our long experience, we have special rates for accommodation and visits for student groups. Each year hundreds of students are traveling with us.

As budget is an important aspect for student groups, we can offer accommodation that fits their needs. We have a variety of hotels and hostels for all destinations and for all ages.

Regarding transport, we use modern, safe and comfortable coaches offering great comfort. Our coach companies have an expensive float of different capacities offering the best rates. We’ll take care of all the details of your excursions (coach, guides, visits, entrances, accommodation), so the students can enjoy the trip and explore the new destination!