Salamanca, the unique. The ancient Castilian lineage

Located approximately 200 kilometers west of the Spanish capital Madrid and 80 km east of the Portuguese border, Salamanca is one of the most important university cities in Spain attracting thousands of international students.

Its Old City was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988.

The Plaza Mayor of Salamanca, built as a result of a solemn decision by King Philip V in 1710, is a unique artistic achievement in Baroque art, and considered by many the heart of the Golden City (La Dorada).

Salamanca’s Cathedral. The beginning of its construction took place around 1520 and the building was completed in 1733.

It is one of the most special and spectacular not only in Spain but worldwide. The story behind it captures the attention of each and every one of the thousands of visitors it receives day after day. It fascinates every detail in it, especially one in particular. Why does an astronaut appear on its facade? What he does close to a faun eating an ice cream?

The astronaut is the work of the stonecutter Miguel Romero when a restoration process began in 1992. It was part of a temporary exhibition that took place in the same cathedral under the name «The Ages of Man.»

The design made by Miguel Romero was intended (and fulfilled) at all times to follow the aesthetics presented by the cathedral, while adding some winks to the contemporary era. A way that, in the future, people also knew with certainty what was happening in our days.

The porch hides nine unusual different figures to discover while visiting the Cathedral. Iberinbound, unique experiences travel agency, offers the perfect conditions for a roundtrip you will never forget. A trip to Spain is a chance to discover exceptional architectural heritage.

Salamanca is a land producing very good cattle. It is a real pleasure for the palate to savor their roasts and all kinds of culinary specialties of this ancient lineage city of Castile.

Its excellent restaurants and wine tasting, with aromas and flavors typical of the character, of Castilian inland.