Canary Islands: Live the experience with Iberinbound DMC

Canary Islands

If we think in a place with beautiful island scenery, gorgeous beaches, and picturesque colonial towns; undoubtedly goes through our mind the Canary Islands and its natural parks.

Etymologically, the name «Canary Islands» remind us of the canary birds, but history reveals another interesting meaning of this peculiar name. In the shield of the region we can see two dogs. In Latin, dog means «can» and in the trip made by the king Juba II of Mauritania (Roman region of North Africa) to the islands, they captured two big Mastiffs (known to be watchdogs) to protect the king. Then they would constitute the name of the island and the shield of the place.

This historical fact represents an important piece of information for visitors to the island who want to know more about their origin and foundation. On the other hand, we find sun, waves, nature and beaches lovers, who want to live and unforgettable vacations in the hearth of these cities.

What cities make up the Canary Islands?

Many know them like the sun of Europe and stand out by its mild temperatures and its natural environment, they are: “The Palm” “The Iron”, “Tenerife”, “La Gomera”, “The Grand Canary”, “Fuerteventura” and “Lanzarote”. Together they constitute this Atlantic paradise which is positioned as one of the most visited tourist attractions in Spain.

In fact, five of the seven islands are declared Biosphere Reserve and the archipelago has four national parks that are also declared World Heritage Site by the UNESCO. Knowing the tourist importance of these islands, Iberinbound as an inbound travel agency in Spain can help you to organize the perfect trip around these islands and enjoy its multiples water activities and excursions inside its Nationals Parks.