Best wine tasting tour in Rias Baixas, Galicia

Wine tasting tour in Rias Baixas

The Rias Baixas zone of Galicia is the most famous in the region for it´s wine. Namely, albariño wine, a delicate white which is drunk throughout Spain. The area is well-known for it´s culinary experiences, so join us as we take you on a wine tasting tour in Rias Baixas.

Wine tasting tour in Rias Baixas

The vineyards and bodegas which produce wine are located in and around Pontevedra mostly. There are over 6000 growers and more than 20,000 vineyards which is colossal by any standard. To truly enjoy the culinary experiences of this region, you will have to be selective.

The title of the best albariño is often hotly disputed but let us offer some recommendations of what to see and taste.

You can often see wineries which have combined traditional and modern methods. One of the most notable is Señorio de Rubios. Most of the wineries in this region rely upon in-house production. They use products sourced and made in Galicia. However, this is less for eco-tourism. It is more a process of keeping traditions alive in this region of Spain.

On this wine tasting tour in Rias Baixas, you will notice that the sky may be greyer than you imagined. The humidity and rainfall make the landscape extremely green and luscious. Many wineries have built their grounds sloping downwards, which make for a wonderful suntrap. This is evident as Señorio de Rubios winery. As you will see, behind every type of culinary experiences, there is a lot of hard work behind the scenes.

To see more behind the history behind albariño, you should visit Zárate bodega. This is in Cambados, a capital of wine in the region. Here you can see how albariño has changed from a red wine to white. It was also only reserved for rich travellers and special occasions. How wine tasting tour in Rias Baixas have changed over time!

The wines of Rias Baixas

From the traditional wineries, you can also see the smaller bodegas. Many people have bought land here and decided to open their own distillery. They are often small, family-run ventures. Indeed, they add a whole new note to the area´s culinary experiences. Many small bodegas share land, as it is not in short supply. You can often find a vineyard, shared by more than 200 producers. Such is the case with Paco and Lola, an organisation of over 400 small producers.

For something on a large scale, do not hesitate to visit the grander vineyards. There are many in this region. All of them are competing to win visitors and promote their albariño. For this reason, many of them have detailed wine tours complete with tasting. Some will even offer lunch or dinner. This is essential to see the wine-making process from beginning to end. From the vineyard to the cellars, you will be talked through the entire process. All culinary experiences in this region follow a similar format, so you will be sure not to miss out.

The Galician region of Spain is also home to Ribeiro. This wine is extremely popular and can be found in many bars and restaurants. If all this wine-tasting has piqued your interest, it is worth travelling to Ribadavia. This area is the stronghold of Ribeiro and is close to the city of Ourense. Do not forget that this region is also home to Santiago de Compostela, the famous medieval city. This is the termination point of the famous Camino de Santiago and is well worth a visit. The culinary scene is spectacular and a great way to finish your trip.

For more information on wine tasting tour in Rias Baixas, please contact Iberinbound for information on packages and culinary experiences.